FKL has an accredited laboratory according to ISO 17025 that provides quality and conformity testing services for rolling bearings and bearing parts.
It is staffed and materially capable to fully perform services according to international and internal standards for roller bearings.
The laboratory provides control and testing services for roller bearings for accreditation. Users of our services, through the applied testing methods, gain the knowledge about the quality of bearings and bearing parts which they want to incorporate into their product. Roller bearings and bearing parts testing is implemented on samples submitted by the user, or on randomly selected samples by an authorized person of the Laboratory. Test users have the opportunity to attend the testing. The applied test methods and the professional staff are a reliable support to the users of our services on the assessment of the quality of roller bearings and parts.
Certificate ATS

Laboratory history
The Rolling Bearing Testing Laboratory has acquired the first authorization for attestation of rolling bearings, Decision 05/02 - 3803/2 issued in September 1985, based on the Order on mandatory roller bearings attestation (Official Gazette of the SFRY No. 62/83), regulated the manner of roller bearings testing placed on the market in the SFRY. The decision was issued by the Federal Institute for Standardization.
The first accreditation of the Laboratory for roller bearings testing in accordance with the standard JUS EN 45001 was obtained in September 1998, by decision no. PR 3-40 / 98, certificate no. A042, issued by the Federal Institute for Standardization.
The laboratory has acquired accreditation in accordance with the requirements of the standard JUS ISO / IEC 17025: 2001, Decision of the Accreditation Body of Serbia 01 - 158, dated 18.07.2006. for testing roller bearings.
The first Supervisory Inspection, conducted in March 2007, by the Accreditation Body of Serbia, determined the compliance of the Laboratory with the requirements of the new edition of the ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 standard.
Laboratory management team
Head of the Laboratory: Mr. Milivoje Mijušković, B.Sc. eng.
Mr. Mijušković is acting as a Head of Control, Chief Engineer of the Quality Sector . In his work he has gained extensive experience in the design, manufacture, inspection and testing of roller bearings, as well as in quality management.
Contact: 021 / 6841-100 (central); E-mail :
Deputy Head of the Laboratory: Javorko Mihaljica
He has performed numerous duties related to the testing and control of bearings. Javorko Mihaljica also performs the duty of the Head of Process and Final Control in FKL.
Contact: 021/6841-143; E-mail:
Quality Engineer of the Laboratory - person responsible for quality: Slaviša Savić, dipl. inž.
Employed in Quality Engineering.
Kontakt: 021/6841-143; E-mail:
Testing area
The dimensional area of testing shows the following results:
- measures and tolerances (d, D, B, C, T)
- rotation accuracy (Sia ; Sea ; Sd ; Kia ; Kea)
- radial clearance (Gr)

The physical area of testing shows the following results:
- residual magnetism (A/cm)
- bearing vibrations (m/s)
- dynamic load (h)

The mechanical testing area shows the following results:
- element hardness (HRC)